I’m trying to load the schema for a gRPC service, and it goes “Inspecting Schema” and spins forever.
On the command line, there’s a single related line of output:
add file descriptor proto: entity/variant/v1/get_variant_request.proto: imported file 'entity/variant/v1/variant_id.proto' has not been added
Using the grpcurl tool, I can view the schema for these messages over reflection:
murph@realwork backend % grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 describe entity.variant.v1.VariantEntityService.GetVariant
entity.variant.v1.VariantEntityService.GetVariant is a method:
rpc GetVariant ( .entity.variant.v1.GetVariantRequest ) returns ( .entity.variant.v1.GetVariantResponse );
murph@realwork backend % grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 describe .entity.variant.v1.GetVariantRequest
entity.variant.v1.GetVariantRequest is a message:
message GetVariantRequest {
.entity.variant.v1.VariantId id = 1;
murph@realwork backend % grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 describe .entity.variant.v1.VariantId
entity.variant.v1.VariantId is a message:
message VariantId {
string value = 1;
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3 months ago
Murph Finnicum
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3 months ago
Murph Finnicum
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